Better Than Nowhere | Population: 1.

The Quotes:

All that is necessary for evil to succeed is for good men to do nothing.

Edmund Burke (1729-1797).

A man's ethical behavior should be based effectually on sympathy, education, and social ties; no religious basis is necessary. Man would indeed be in a poor way if he had to be restrained by fear of punishment and hope of reward after death."

Albert Einstein (1879-1955).

An error does not become truth by reason of multiplied propagation, nor does truth become error because nobody will see it.

Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948).

True individual freedom cannot exist without economic security and independence. People who are hungry and out of a job are the stuff of which dictatorships are made."

A conservative is a man with two perfectly good legs who, however, has never learned how to walk forward."

Franklin Delano Roosevelt (1882-1945).

The List:

The Whole Real Truth Project.

My Reasoning

I started this webpage as an arguement against George W. Bush's possible second term, during the presidential campaign for the 2004 presidential elections. As sole editor of this webpage, I should never have removed this counter from the top of the page, nor from the forefront of my consciousness. These deaths are both tragic and unacceptable. There lives while given freely in the service of this nation were worth more than a socio-economic political agenda. I have nothing but complete respect for the men and women of the armed forces, and I have nothing but contempt for those who feel they can use the American military as a tool to reach their financial goals.

This is the reason I work on this website.

Illegal Propaganda.

The White House continues to release "press packets" in the form of video packages, despite the fact that they are illegal covert propaganda. Several government agencies and Congress [at least the Democrats] have urged the President not to resort to such ethically questionable practices, but W. has little incentive to follow laws or guidelines, after all, it's how he got his job in the first place.

The ultimate question to be asked is;
a.) what will be done about it, if it continues; and
b.) who would inforce it.
[Probably nobody.]

The Commander-in-Thief has already proven he's untouchable. He cannot be sanctioned unless he is officially impeached, but apparently nobody will do that, because he doesn't get blown in the Oval Office.

Fact Finding.

Tom Delay likes playing golf. I know this, because papers like the Washington Post reports on it, the Post knows it, because that's what they dig up when they look into all-expense vacations paid for by registered lobbyists. This whole thing started because the filthy prick was putting hs wife and daughter on his campaign payroll; which is another way of saying that when the re-election process is over, there's no way Mr. Delay is going to take his chubby digits of the cash. This selfish and morally bankrupt Texan doesn't need to be demonized by the press. He's doing a fine job of it on his own.

Creeps like this should be stripped of all their assests and jailed. Here's a tip. Government is a full time job, anyone who makes a few hundred thousand a year, but spends a million dollars a year; problem. If that's all representatives, then we need to fire them all and start from scratch.

Smoke Screen.

Q : What was the White House's immediate interest in a vegetable named Terri Schiavo?

A : Something for the News organizations to focus on while the new bankruptcy laws were easily and unceremoniously passed.

The new law makes it harder for middle-class individuals to file for bankruptcy, but not at all more difficult for someone like Donald Trump. According to W. himself, the law would only make it harder to protect gamblers, spree-shoppers, and dead-beat dads. That's right, folks. Only going to protect the hard-workers in hard times. Right.

Death Toll.

The Iraqi War should have been over a while ago. It falls further from the forefront of our political consciousness, but our young armed servicemen, and women are still dying needlessly for money, oil, and the pursuit of raised stock-prices.

Meanwhile, when the Saudi Prince was visiting the new American capital of Crawford, Texas, he and dubya expressed their true feelings for each other. More PDA than W. has ever given his good Stepford wife.

Internal Blockage?

What is it with the Neocons, that allows them to unscrupulously use God to their own ends, no matter how they twist and distort. It seems to me, that if anyone on the extreme right actually believed in Christianity, or even occassionally read the Bible; the extremely conservative couldn't use them to worship their true god, money.

"Justice Sunday" is just one such occassion that defies reasoning. For starters I would just like to mention that
[I believe] when the founding fathers decided to officially separate Church and State, it was to protect everyone's religious distinctions, and prevent any one denomination from controlling the rest of the nation. Secularization of State is a good thing. It doesn't stifle the worship of God, it prevents one group of people from imposing their beliefs onto everyone else. This, [to me] seems an easy and universal truth to comprehend. If no one religious group has political power, than no one's religious views are oppressed by another's.


Pope Benedict XVI is truly a conservative, just like he said, but he really did want to be Pope, and isn't the least bit humble; just the opposite of what he said; see? Conservative.
Hitler Youth discount for school?;
Targets a group to hate, in this case: homosexuals;
Considers those who don't believe as he does as 'deficient';

Yeah, unless he goes ahead and puts on his his robes of hypocrisy, I don't see him doing things like hanging out with the Dalai Lama, or some such thing.

Recent Developments.

From now on, only the most recent articles, and editorials will be on the main-page, everything else, (I'm now assuming more than a month old) will be regulated to the News page. All related article links will also be there. I will link any current news articles to the corresponding webpage. [i.e. if I cite the NY Times, I'll post the article I read.]

The Revised Website.

I am working on updating the code, and content of this website. I hope to have a suggestion box up soon, in the Boards section, as well as a chat schedule starting Monday.

I am also interested in acquiring a few assisstant site-managers, so if you have any interest in running a editorial online 'zine, drop an e-mail, with area of interest.

Source Material: The List.

Two of my favorite websites for News and Opinion, (besides online newspapers) are
Democratic Underground, &
Michael Moore.
These two have good formats, strong content, and a sense of humor. Worth looking into, no matter what your political affiliation may be.

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